


Mayr Prevent® Training Course

This is a MayrPrevent® 2-day Refresher Course for medical professionals, which is also open to non-Mayr doctors. Maintain your Mayr certification with 15 learning points or learn how disorders of the gastrointestinal tract cause most diseases of civilization. 

The course is also open to doctors who are not F.X. Mayr doctors – use the unique opportunity to get a taste of this medical methodology.

The International Society of Mayr Doctors

The International Society of Mayr Doctors has been offering courses on diagnostics and therapy according to F.X. for over 50 years. An education that conveys the proven teaching of Dr. Franz Xaver Mayr as contemporary, scientifically based preventive and regenerative medicine. This training is recognized by the Austrian Medical Association with a diploma and provides the required study points to maintain the The MayrPrevent® seal of the International Society of Mayr Doctors.

Meet your lecturer!

Dr. med. Sepp Fegerl

President of the International Society of Mayr-Doctors

Born in 1955 in Leoben

Medical studies and Doctorate at the Karl Franzens University, Graz, Austria
  • Turnus in Enns, Steyr, Linz, Acute assistance in Ethiopia, Secondary physician in Schladming
  • 15 years as emergency physician at the emergency helicopter Aigen/Ennstal and Waidring/Tirol.
  • Since 1989 in practice as general practitioner and medical director of a F. X. Mayr centre and holistic medical outpatient clinic, first in Neuberg/Mürz, from 1991 to 2019 at the Vollererhof in Puch/Salzburg.
  • Academic teaching practice at the Paracelsus Medical Private University Salzburg
  • Consultant for complementary medicine at the KH of the Barmherzigen Brüder Sbg
  • Referent for complementary medicine at the Salzburg Medical Association
  • Medical and health policy consultant of INGO EcoHimal since 2010 for long-term projects in Eastern and Western Nepal

Additional trainings

Diplomas for diagnostics and therapy according to Dr. F.X. Mayr medicine, Kneipp, emergency doctor, alpine and mountain medicine, complementary tumour therapy

Lecturing and teaching activities

Lectures at the University of Graz,Salzburg and Linz.
Lecturing activities at medical chambers, professional societies, etc.


Reflux and heartburn (Kneipp Verlag Vienna)
Co-Author in the textbook of the F.X. Mayr Medicine (Springer Verlag)
Co-Author in the Textbook for Integrative Medicine (Springer Verlag)

TISSO MitoBiom® CONCEPT Seminar

Learn everything about microbiome, mitochondria and how supplementation can support health of your patients.

TISSO – Who they are and what they do

TISSO specialises in the development and production of high-quality natural nutritional supplements since 1999.  The product range currently includes around 40 formulations which are produced in Germany under strict control of the German food safety authority.

All TISSO products are based on the latest scientific findings and concrete practical experience. To prove the safety and positive properties of our formulations, TISSO conducts studies and application observations and works closely with laboratories and research institutes.

Own cultivation: to guarantee the highest quality and safety for microorganism preparations, TISSO maintains their own stock of bacteria in Wenden, Germany. Highly specialised experts take care of the propagation and cultivation. All bacterial strains are regularly genotyped so that we can guarantee their uniform properties.

TISSO products contain neither genetically manipulated raw materials nor other harmful substances. They do not use artificial additives such as preservatives and sweeteners, flavours and flavour enhancers, or gluten.

Meet your lecturer

Dr. Reinhard Wähler

Head of Research and Development at Tisso Naturprodukte GmbH

  • M.S. in biochemistry (University Hannover)
  • PhD thesis: immune gene therapy of cancer (University Hospital Hamburg)
    (Patent and publications in scientific journals)
  • Internships: Bayer AG, Wuppertal; Wistar-Institute, Philadelphia, USA
  • 3.5 years postdoctoral research (University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA)
    (Publications in scientific journals)
  • 2.5 years Biotech industry (Cenix Bioscience GmbH, Dresden)
    (Patent application)
  • Since 2012 Research & Development at TISSO Naturprodukte GmbH, Wenden – d

INFORMATIONLiina Molenaarsliina@biospa.ee+31650743627

TISSO MitoBiom® CONCEPT Seminar Program 12 June 2023

  • Silent inflammation & metabolic syndrome
  • Leaky gut
  • Prebiotics & Probiotics
  • Mitochondria – inflammation – gut
  • Vitamins & Metabolic Syndrome
  • Omega-3 vs statins
  • Fructose vs. glucose
  • Lactoferrin: how a milk protein fights infections
  • Chronobiology

Location: Loodus BioSpa, Tartu, Estonia

Duration: 1 full day on 12th of June, 2023

Costs:  FREE OF CHARGE, includes coffee breaks and lunch snack

Accommodation: on site from 150 EUR. For reservations please email liina@biospa.ee or +31650743627

How to register: via our e-shop by clicking here or on any of the BOOK HERE links on this page. If you prefer to register by email, please email liina@biospa.ee

MayrPrevent® Refresher Course Program 13-14 June 2023

  • Digestion and auto immune diseases
  • Leaky gut
  • Mayr and breath, thorax and diafragma
  • Lymphatic detox and Radix edema
  • Metabolic (in)flexibility
  • Histamine & fructose intolerance
  • Spikes in blood glucose – impact on health
  • Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
  • Markers and tests – Zonulin, DAO lab, etc

Location: Loodus BioSpa, Tartu, Estonia

Duration: 12full days on 13-14th of June, 2023

Costs: 480 EUR, includes lecture material, coffee breaks and lunch snack

Accommodation: on site from 150 EUR. For reservations please email liina@biospa.ee or +31650743627

How to register: via our e-shop by clicking here or on any of the BOOK HERE links on this page. If you prefer to pay by invoice, please email liina@biospa.ee


Standard room

Room rate 200 EUR/night occupancy 2 people

Room rate 150 EUR/night occupancy 1 person

Includes daily 3 x vegetarian meals, access to swimming pool and sauna

Additionally possible to book treatments, massages, etc.

Superior room

Room rate 250 EUR/night occupancy 2 people

Room rate 200 EUR/night occupancy 1 person

Includes daily 3 x vegetarian meals, access to swimming pool and sauna

Additionally possible to book treatments, massages, etc.

Additional information

Liina Molenaars


tel + 31650743627

Meeldiv ja kasulik. Eks aeg-ajalt tuleb leida jõudu end kokku võtta, et uut energiat saada. Soovitan kõigile.


Aitäh :). Minu arvates igati mitmekülgne ja tõhus spa nii tervise kosutamiseks kui ka vaimseks ja füüsiliseks lõõgastumiseks.


Koht, kus saab puhastuda nii füüsiliselt, kui vaimselt, lõõgastuda puhtas looduses ning lihtsalt olla…



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