A week at the fasting center brings back healthy lifestyle and exercise habits. You are not at BIOSPA for the first time; what keeps bringing you back here?

I first visited in 1998. It’s important to take care of one’s health all the time, and each of us is responsible for our own health. I try to find natural ways and healthy self-boosting forms. BIOSPA is a very pleasant place for that. The environment is very supportive, everything is convenient and accessible, and there are so many possibilities. You just need to be diligent and do everything, and then the results will come. I last visited BIOSPA in April and lost 5 kg. The weight loss remained because I was very diligent. In the meantime, I lost another 3 kg. The goal of was to lose another 5 kg and definitely continue with healthy lifestyles.

You’ve fasted before, but now you’ve chosen a diet package. What led to this decision?

A detox diet is less demanding for me than fasting, and the results are the same. I had very positive experiences with the diet, it’s a new option, and why not use it if the results are equivalent.

Which procedures were your favorites?

First, I took all the procedures included in the package. In addition, I had an Indian head massage, laser and magnet therapy, and ear candling. The Indian head massage, Champi, was fantastic, and I was very satisfied. The staff is excellent and supportive. What BIOSPA offers is priceless because it has much greater value than any material possession. A week at the fasting center brings back healthy lifestyle and exercise habits. I definitely recommend everyone to come and try it. It all starts with attitude; first, you must change yourself, and then the world around us will change too.