Food Intolerance test IgG 176 foods
The Test leads the patient through an 3-5 months rotation diet. The patient learns to avoid food he/she does not tolerate and to replace it by tolerated food. The patient [...]
Liina Molenaars2021-06-19T18:20:21+03:00Food intolerance|
The Test leads the patient through an 3-5 months rotation diet. The patient learns to avoid food he/she does not tolerate and to replace it by tolerated food. The patient [...]
Liina Molenaars2021-06-19T16:58:41+03:00Food intolerance|
Did you know that feeling tired, suffering from insomnia, joint pains and skin rashes can be caused by inability of your body to digest certain foods? You most probably have [...]
radmin2021-02-10T15:31:49+02:00Body and health, Food intolerance|
неправильные привычки питания, в том числе однообразная, бедная клетчаткой пища; недостаточное употребление жидкости (вода, растительный чай); спешка по будням: частое подавление кишечной деятельности со временем приводит к запорам; недостаточная физическая [...]
radmin2020-11-23T16:24:57+02:00News, Food intolerance|
Did you know that feeling tired, suffering from insomnia, joint pains and skin rashes can be caused by inability of your body to digest certain foods? You most probably have [...]
radmin2020-11-23T16:31:00+02:00News, Food intolerance, Effective treatments, Biokliinik medical services|
The Test leads the patient through an 3-5 months rotation diet. The patient learns to avoid food he/she does not tolerate and to replace it by tolerated food. The patient [...]