Triin and Kristina’s Joint Fasting Journey
How It All Began "I just wanted to shut myself off," says Triin, who had reached a point in her life where everything had come to a standstill. "Completely by [...]
Marianne2024-06-07T15:32:48+03:00Therapeutic fasting, Customer stories|
How It All Began "I just wanted to shut myself off," says Triin, who had reached a point in her life where everything had come to a standstill. "Completely by [...]
Marianne2024-05-01T08:28:52+03:00News, Weight loss, Body and health, Therapeutic fasting, Diet - Detox|
Dr. Natalia Trofimova gave an interview to Virtuaalkliinik on the topics of healthy nutrition and diet on April 26, 2024. You can read a summary of the interview in English [...]
Liina2023-10-06T13:07:41+03:00Weight loss, Therapeutic fasting, Customer stories|
How did you find your way to BioSpa? Vilma: "I heard about this place from my friend, who has been here twice and I felt that I wanted to try [...]
Liina2025-01-15T15:04:55+02:00Diet - Detox, Therapeutic fasting|
An increasing number of people have become interested in therapeutic fasting as a means to improve their health and lose weight. Estonia’s renowned therapeutic fasting doctor, Dr. Natalia Trofimova, boasts [...]
Liina2025-01-15T15:44:34+02:00Therapeutic fasting|
Great Lent in the folk and church tradition was a period of physical and spiritual rest. Various forms of therapeutic fasting can be used both for the treatment and prevention [...]
radmin2020-11-23T16:28:05+02:00News, Therapeutic fasting|
Professor of Stanford University Valter Longo, who studies aging and longevity, published a study, in which he described remarkable metabolic changes that occurred as a result of prolonged fasting. Longo and his [...]
radmin2023-08-14T13:53:47+03:00Body and health, Therapeutic fasting, Diet - Detox, News, Weight loss|
To loose the excess weight, feel energised, to fit into your favourite clothes, to get that glow on your skin and a sparkle in your eye, our specialists recommend the [...]
radmin2023-08-14T13:54:04+03:00News, Therapeutic fasting, Diet - Detox|
We will help you reach and maintain your optimal weight and state of mind. With over 30 years experience in the field of medical fasting, our specialists will make sure [...]