Pharmacy covers are used for glaucoma, ischemic heart disease, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, gangrene, cardiovascular disease, blood pressure problems, hormonal disorders, joint pain, headaches, female hormonal disorders, impotence and insomnia.

Healing with lids is a natural method that is gaining more and more supporters.

The lid is a very important “pharmaceutical factory” because it carries a hundred biological substances into the bloodstream when it adheres to the skin. One of the most important of these is hirudin, a proteinaceous substance that reduces blood clotting

Treatment with lids

Lid treatment procedure 25.-, the unit price of the lid is added 5.-
☎ Make an appointment (+372) 53 47 15 32

Treatment with lids is prescribed to a person only after a medical examination if necessary. Treatment with lids should not be used for anemia, haemophilia, pregnancy, acute infection or high fever.

Licensed and quarantined pharmacy lids are used for treatment. Your doctor will decide on the placement and number of lids and the number of treatment sessions.

Treatment with lids

When coming for cure treatment, the skin must be clean, wash yourself with baby soap. No ointments, creams or perfumes should be used beforehand. Do not smoke or drink alcohol immediately before treatment with lids.

The blood thinner should not be used the day before and after the treatment.

Lids are much more useful than you might think

Lids are useful in many ailments, such as preventing blood clots, normalizing blood pressure, lowering blood cholesterol levels, preventing the development of inflammatory processes and increasing the body’s resistance. Prevention of blood clots is important, for example, in the case of vascular calcification.


Lid treatment procedure 25.-, the unit price of the lid is added 5.-
☎ (+372) 53 47 15 32