Starting from January 2024, the Bioclinic will offer osteopathy services provided by lecturer-osteopath Maarika Sild and student-osteopath Maia Paas. M. Sild teaches structural and functional osteopathy at the Osteopathy Academy. Osteopathic therapy is aimed at both the body’s structure and functions. Osteopathy restores your body’s normal mobility, coordination, and posture, thereby eliminating the source of pain and preventing health disorders.

Osteopathy is a manual therapy that aims to restore the functional integrity of the body structure (muscle tone, integrity of connective tissues, microcirculation, innervation). Osteopaths work manually, assessing the condition of bones, muscles, and ligaments and ensuring correct muscle tone, proper structure, blood supply, and innervation. Osteopathy is a manual treatment method suitable for various health problems and pains:

Cervical spine disorders: neck-headaches (migraines), dizziness, jaw joint pain, shoulder-arm pains (periarthritis, periartrosis, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome), sensory organ problems (hearing, vision impairment).

Thoracic spine disorders: mid-back pain, chest pain, intercostal nerve pain, internal organ issues (cardioneurosis – pain in the heart area, rhythm disorders).

Lumbar spine disorders: lower back pain, sciatica, hip-knee-ankle pain (numbness, cold sensation), piriformis syndrome, coccyx tenderness, internal organ problems (menstrual disorders, constipation).

(Sports) overuse syndromes – e.g., tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow; other similar tendon attachment problems.

Prophylactic treatment prevents future pains. If pain has been endured for a long time, it signifies a cry for help from the body. Trying to alleviate pain with painkillers can worsen symptoms and deepen problems. It is especially important for the patient to discuss traumas and injuries that occurred in the distant past because events from childhood also influence current health conditions.


lecturer-osteopath reception: adults 70.-/children up to 12 years 50.- student-osteopath reception: adults 30.-
☎ make an appointment (+372) 53 47 15 32

What is the difference between osteopathy and other manual medicine specialties? What makes osteopathy special?

In general terms, the diagnostic and treatment logic of osteopathy and other manual medicine specialties based on manual activity – chiropractic and manual therapy – are similar. The techniques of chiropractic are the fastest and sharpest, those of osteopathy are the most delicate, detailed and consider the complexity and connections of the human body the most.

Frequency: interval between procedures 2-4 weeks

Contraindications are few and relative, i.e. that osteopathy can still be applied to them if certain treatment techniques are used skillfully and carefully. More important: acute inflammation, destruction (tumor, metastasis), pronounced osteoporosis, significant degeneration, deformation.

Osteopathy relieves pain

Osteopathy treats and prevents pain, numbness, stiffness in joints and spine, corrects posture defects. Osteopathy is suitable for people of all ages, from infants, pregnant women to the elderly, regardless of weight or gender.


lecturer-osteopath reception: adults 70.-/children up to 12 years 50.- student-osteopath reception: adults 50.-
☎ (+372) 53 47 15 32