Toidutalumatuse test koos individuaalse arsti konsultatsiooniga.

Food intolerance test is recommended for those who want to lose weight, strengthen their immune system, improve skin condition, improve the quality of hair and nails, for those who are preparing to become pregnant, is brest-feeding, is suffering from obesity or other chronic diseases.

In many cases, food intolerance can lead to chronic symptoms that are difficult to treat by conventional methods. Food intolerance test clearly shows which foods make your immune system react negatively and can therefore damage your body and cause various problems, such as:

  • weight persistence despite diet
  • abdominal pain, bloating
  • itching, rash
  • skin problems, acne
  • allergies
  • constipation, diarrhoea
  • joint pain, liquid retention, swelling
  • frequent cold, weak immunity
  • fatigue, poor sleep
  • small children with persistent running nose
  • breast-fed children with belly cramps

This test provides  a clear answer to which foods you should avoid or replace in your daily menu. Changing your diet using the results of a food intolerance test has helped many people with skin problems, digestive problems, restlessness, insomnia, joint pains. Many people improve their sleep and are much more energized and in general feel better.

Food intolerance test can be done in Tartu, at our Biokliinik location as well as Loodus BioSpa, followed by a personal consultation with Dr. Natalia Trofimova.

Come to the reception

food intolerance test and consultation 240.-
☎ Make an appointment (+372) 53 47 15 32

Hidden food allergy test Food Intolerance Test (IgG 176 foods)

Just as different people’s fingerprints are unique, so is their diet and menu. Based on this individuality, a food intolerance panel (based on IgG antibodies) has been developed for 176 different foods. The panel determines tolerance (intolerance) to specific foods and helps to identify a suitable diet for humans.

Dietary changes should not be initiated on your own, but in consultation with a specialist.

Food Intolerance Surprises

Did you know that acne and rashes, fatigue, bloating, joint pain, babies with colics and frequent colds can be caused by the body simply not properly digesting certain foods? This is also the reason why you are not losing weight despite a diet  – if a person consumes foods that he is not able to fully digest, these foods create complex problems in the body.

The easiest way to solve these problems is to find out which foods you personally should avoid.


food intolerance test and consultation 240.-