How is the diagnosis made?
Dr. Reinhard Voll is a medical scientist, the creator of the bioresonance apparatus, who used his device to measure the electrical resistance of important points in the human body and use it to diagnose diseases.
When measuring through checkpoints, the data is entered into a computer program. There are default values, i. data on the whole person. If the measured data remain normal, the patient is in good condition.
Each organ has its own normal frequency – the bioresonance or electromagnetic frequency. The presence of pathogenic electromagnetic frequencies in certain zones means that there is a functional disorder in the organs of that zone. For example, if the heart or lungs have a frequency that should be normal, high, or low, we can assess whether the heart or lungs are overloaded or underactive.
Soovin teha diagnostikat
☎ (+372) 53 47 15 32Bioresonantsdiagnostika annab aimu kogu organismi toimimisest. Programm läbib kõik kehasüsteemid. Inimene saab selge ettekujutuse, kuidas toimivad tema vereringesüsteem, kopsusüsteem, seedesüsteem, hormonaalsüsteem, luu-lihas- ja sidekoesüsteem, kuse- ja reproduktiivsüsteem, lümfisüsteem, ajusüsteem ja endokriinsüsteem. Lisaks näitab see selgroolülide seisukorda – kas ketaste vahel on ladestusi või kõhrekahjustusi.
«Bioresonantsdiagnostika annab andmeid inimese probleemi kohta, mis vajab edasisi lahendusi. Minu kui arsti jaoks on väga oluline, et saaksin seda meetodit kasutades hinnata patsiendi nõrku kohti. Siis saan võrrelda arvutiprogrammi tulemusi inimlike probleemide ja kaebustega.” Dr Natalia Trofimova, kliiniline arst 40-aastase kogemusega.
If the reason is unknown
It’s incredible how computer-based health research – bioresonance diagnostics – can help identify the causes of disease, even when traditional medicine can no longer find the answers!