KaHuna Bodywork is used as a profound way to support the body back to balance, relax the mind and support the client in coming back into a space fo centeredness, calm and clarity.
Ka Huna Massage relaxes your mind, body and soul, bringing balance and harmony between them. Blockages, old negative thought patterns and baggage, muscular/ skeletal soreness, fatigue, stress and disease can be successfully treated using KaHuna bodywork – energy starts flowing freely, blood circulation and flexibility of the joints improve.
Many amazing effects of Ka Huna massage include:
- flushes out toxins
- strengthens the immune system
- treats the lymphatic system
- improves circulation and sleep
- helps to overcome grief, stress, loneliness, anxiety and emotional distress
- slowing you down
- instills a calming sense of peace and deep relaxation
- re-energizing; rejuvenating
- can assist with reducing and removing body pain
- helping to let go of old stories and baggage and create new positive thought patterns
- brings clarity; confidence, joy, open-heartedness and trust
- more love, happiness, balance
- generates an overall sense of well-being, vitality and empowerment